In the early forties, often laid off, but ever searching for work, every Christmas my dad would take me and my three sisters to the least expensive tree lot and together we’d pick out our fifty cents or one dollar treasure. It would have rivaled Charlie Brown’s tree for least likely to impress, but we were thrilled, it was ours!

           Tired, old decorations were retrieved from the attic, along with strings of silver ‘icicles,’ carefully saved from year to year. We could hardly wait for Dad to finish stringing the lights so we could do our part. Red and green constriction paper strips, cut and pasted into a long chain had been prepared the night before, ready to encircle the tree from top to bottom.

          At last dad finished and the magic moment arrived. He pulled the switch and multicolored lights all came on…for a brief moment. Patiently we waited while Dad found the guilty bulb and the lights stayed on, until the next one fizzled. The aluminum star with battered blue trim went first, then the tarnished balls, many of which had lost much of their color. Assorted sparse ornaments were next, followed by our homemade decorations,

          Snow swirled outside our windows, but we couldn’t wait till dark when dad would again turn on the lights. We loved Christmas and were proud of our tree. One year only socks and new underwear were our gifts. It didn’t matter. We were loved and cared for. It was Christmas and we had a beautiful tree to prove it.


          In the early forties, often laid off, but ever searching for work, every Christmas my dad would take me and my three sisters to the least expensive tree lot and together we’d pick out our fifty cents or one dollar treasure. It would have rivaled Charlie Brown’s tree for least likely to impress, but we were thrilled, it was ours!

           Tired, old decorations were retrieved from the attic, along with strings of silver ‘icicles,’ carefully saved from year to year. We could hardly wait for Dad to finish stringing the lights so we could do our part. Red and green constriction paper strips, cut and pasted into a long chain had been prepared the night before, ready to encircle the tree from top to bottom.

          At last dad finished and the magic moment arrived. He pulled the switch and multicolored lights all came on…for a brief moment. Patiently we waited while Dad found the guilty bulb and the lights stayed on, until the next one fizzled. The aluminum star with battered blue trim went first, then the tarnished balls, many of which had lost much of their color. Assorted sparse ornaments were next, followed by our homemade decorations,

          Snow swirled outside our windows, but we couldn’t wait till dark when dad would again turn on the lights. We loved Christmas and were proud of our tree. One year only socks and new underwear were our gifts. It didn’t matter. We were loved and cared for. It was Christmas and we had a beautiful tree to prove it.




Ever try to imagine what Jesus prays for you in His promised intercession? Maybe, “Oh, Father, help her with that hurt, assure her joy will come in the morning. Forgive her Father, she hasn’t yet realized that thought was judgmental. A little more light on her path, Father, she’s not sure which direction to take. Let’s shower her with sufficient grace, Father, that task is more than she can handle by herself. Oh, Father, sprinkle showers of wisdom on her, she just asked and quoted your promise in James and is determined not to doubt.

Woops, she’s going to need a dose of favor for that confrontation, Father. Let’s strengthen her courage so she won’t be afraid. She’s struggling with who she is in You again, Father. Please remind her of Your love and that she is righteous because she’s mine. She’s wondering if her life has had meaning, counted in any way for the kingdom, Father. Let’s get someone to call or send a note to thank her for what her prayers meant to them. She doesn’t understand why she did that, Father. Let’s bring 1Joh 1:9 to her mind and help her to ask and receive Your forgiveness. Father, could You shore up her confidence that You heard and working on her request? I’m praying that her faith doesn’t fail.

Father, I’ve known that temptation. Please strengthen her resolve, I know she wants to please You. Oh, Oh, she needs a gentle rebuke, Father. Help her see it as a blessing that will reshape her in that area. Discouragement is attacking again, Father. Please remind her You are greater within her than any demon and she has the authority to resist its lies and cause it to flee. Father, the desire of her heart seems unattainable now, help her determine to trust that You have a good plan for her life and her future.

What about you? What kind of things has Jesus in mind as He intercedes for you? He’s already told us there is no condemnation to those who are His own. “Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died and furthermore is also risen who is even at the right hand of God who also makes intercession for us.” Romans 8:34

So we celebrate our risen Savior who paid the ultimate price of our salvation, peace and healing, left us the comforter, His Holy Spirit, and spends time at the right hand of His Father interceding for each of us.

Thank You Jesus for Your continual intercession. How comforting to know You know us and understand us better than we do ourselves and that Your prayers will perfect that which concerns each of us in spite of our lack of follow through, neglect and self-absorption. Amen.



I’m one of the few people I know who knows the exact time they became a child of God. For me it was March 20th, 1971 at twelve noon, 45 years ago in about a week. I was not raised in a Christian home though I can trace a hunger for Him back to my childhood. So I came as an adult, with all the usual baggage.

The idea of being remade to be like Him is a concept I have to purposely maintain.”But we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory just as by the Spirit of the Lord,” 2 Corinthians 3:18 explains.

An “unveiled face beholding as in a mirror His glory,” I’ve learned requires looking at Him, into His life and His Word with no phony intents. His glory, my Bible explains is the visible splendor and the majestic absolute perfection residing in Christ. And because I belong to Him I am being transformed into His same image, from the visible splendor I experienced at my new birth, to the journey to perfection He is working out in me day by day.

I am cocooned in His love like a little caterpillar, resting in the assurance that I am being transformed into His image. Though it is sometimes dark and I can’t see the changes He is making, I know I am being shaped, recreated to fit His eternal plan fashioned for me, no matter how long it takes.


The last phrase, “Just as by the Spirit of the Lord,” is the blessed assurance that it is He who is doing the transforming. He has promised to clear out the baggage and He is faithful.


The prophet Habakkuk recounts six major losses he’s facing, vital to his family’s well being, but ends with “Yet will I rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the Lord of my salvation, the Lord my God is my strength.” Then by faith he proclaims, “He will make my feet like deer’s feet and He will make me walk on high hills.” (Habakkuk 3:17-19)

It’s been a tough week. My “fig tree” didn’t blossom either. The project I set my hopes on seems to be going nowhere. I too have seen “no fruit on my vine.” Not even a bud from the spiritual seeds I’ve planted. And the “labor of my olive may fail,” my mainstay, the earthly rock I depend upon weakened.

Added to that, “our fields have yielded no crop,” little return on our financial investments. That some of my “flock seem to be cut off from the fold,” ignoring the call of Christ, saddens me. And today there are fewer “herds in my stalls,” as I mourn the fragility or death of old friends.

So I have a choice. I can let these losses pull me under or I can chose to trust God as the prophet did. And how can I not rejoice when my Savior is in the midst of everything, mighty, willing to save, rejoicing over me with joy, quieting me with his love, and rejoicing over me with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)

The mighty One has promised to give me the desires He planted in my heart. He’s in my midst seeing to it that no spoken word of His will return void. He is the Rock I run to when overwhelmed, quieting my anxieties. I can hear Him sing joyfully at my stewardship, promising that none of His children will ever beg bread. You shall be saved AND your household rings with joy in my ears at His promise to honor my faith. He joys in my belief and reminds me that this is not my final home nor that of my dear friends.

I choose you, Lord, rejoicing in the knowledge you will shape and strengthen my feet this day to conquer any high hills I may face.

Isn’t it just like Him! He ended the week by honoring my husband and I at a special event in our church.




I needed a refresher in how abundantly God pours out His blessings. I’d recounted the usual, my husband, family, our good health, friends, resources, comforts, etc. My perception had clouded–too familiar, taken for granted.

Numbers 6:34-26 brought a fresh perspective. “The Lord bless you and keep you”….He is Jehovah Jireh, (Gen. 22:14) my provider who meets my needs and Jehovah Nissi, (Ex. 17:15) my banner who protects me.

“The Lord make His face to shine upon you”….He is Jehovah Shammah, (Ezek. 48:35) the Lord who is ever present, indwelling me, never to leave or turn His face from me.

“The Lord be gracious to you”….He is Jehovah Rohi, (Ps. 23:1) the Lord my shepherd whose rod and staff keep me on track.

“The Lord lift up His countenance upon you”….He is Jehovah Ropheka, (Ex. 15:26) my healer, able and willing to restore my body and my soul.

“And give you peace”….He is Jehovah Shalom (Judges 6:24) who gives me His peace in adversity and assurance all things work for my good because He is still in control.

Thank You, Lord for your abundant blessings, new every morning, poured out for me and every heart open to Your never ending supply.



2 Corinthians 4: 6-7 “For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God and not us.”

I found my seat on the plane in tears. I was leaving my first-born grandchild hundreds of mile from my home! My seatmate was a gentleman of maybe thirty. He said he hoped I was alright and as I explained my tears I found myself laughing at my “new-grandmother” moment.

We began to share our lives and I found John was an American businessman who lived in France. I explained I was leaving my son’s family there in Dallas. We were having a great time when out of the blue he asked, “Why are you so happy?”

God had given me an open door and the rest of the flight I shared Christ with him, answering dozens of questions. I believe the Lord even arranged a delayed landing to give us more time. But as a rather new believer I began to get anxious when the plane started to descend. Didn’t God expect me to lead John to the Lord? Could I do it? The flight ended with John overly concerned about making his overseas connection and I lost my chance to lead him in the sinners prayer. But I was able to advise him on finding a Bible believing church before we parted like old friends. I knew God heard my prayers asking for John’s salvation and it was a done deal in heaven. I rejoiced that the joy of the Lord had opened an opportunity of sowing seeds into John’s life. I still pray for him but with thanks that God has answered my petition and I can’t wait to reunite with him in heaven.

Thank you Lord for this treasure that shone through my earthen vessel and for Your power that opened John’s spirit to bring him the knowledge of salvation.




A luncheon with some spiritually mature friends should have “sharpened my iron” but dumped me instead into the comparison trap. One friend exuded thoughtfulness, another glowed, evidence of her tenacious prayer life. The wisdom of a third amazed me. Displays of spiritual growth, unselfish activities, and sacrifices unintentionally bombarded me.

“Lord,” I prayed the next morning. “I just don’t measure up!” My adversary jumped right in with, “Remember when you….If they really knew you they wouldn’t like you….You are a phony….God says He forgives and forgets but He knows you’ve blown it again….and on and on.

The Lord let me ramble then interrupted my self-condemnation party with a Scripture. “My soul wait quietly for God alone for my expectation is from Him.” I quieted and after praying in the spirit, I heard His still, small voice.

“I created you to be exactly who you are,” He said. “I know your past, events from childhood on that formed your views and how they affect the way you think. Take those thoughts that are not from Me to My word and let it renew your mind in each and every area.”

Precious assurances flowed. “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go–There is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus–If anyone lacks wisdom let Him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach–You are being molded into the same image, (of Christ) from glory to glory even by the Spirit of God–I’m a new creation, a brand new man, old things have passed away–I will perfect that which concerns you….”

Joy and confidence returned as these and many favorite verses stored in my heart came to mind, along with “We are more than conquers through Him who loved us.”

James 3 tells us that ungodly wisdom comes from earthly (the world), sensual (the flesh), or demonic (the devil). Very different from God’s wisdom that is pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Let’s all be careful about whose voice we are listening to.




2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

Ever wondered about the power of God–in you? As I read this verse this morning I found myself thinking–wondering what it really meant. I realized I’ve associated that power with gigantic happening like a miracle following the prayer of an evangelist or someone stopping a tragedy through a strong faith confession, or Jesus raising Lazarus or healing a leaper or a man born blind.

I’ve never connected with the verses that followed this promise but today I’ve seen how the Word of God explains how that power indeed works in me. It is when I am hard pressed by circumstances or temptations, I am not crushed into unbelief but have the power to hang onto my hope, Christ in me my hope of glory. When I am perplexed, confused and can’t understand why something I’ve believed for hasn’t happened, despair doesn’t overtake me but I am comforted knowing that His power works all things for good in my life because I love God and am called according to His purposes.

When I feel persecuted, surrounded by people whose opinions, beliefs and world views are so different than mine, His power within me assures me I am not forsaken by the One who never leaves me alone or turns His love from me. When my plans for my future are struck down by forces over which I have no say or control, I am not destroyed, knowing nothing is impossible with God the source of the power within me and His plans for me cannot be thwarted.

His power isn’t just for the spectacular events that inspire and encourage us, His power is for the everyday getting through our hardships, filling our needs and our God given desires, and for doing His will no matter how insignificant it seems.

May this brand new year find us all experiencing the excellence of God’s power exactly as He planned for each of us in every situation.

Christmas Happens



Christmas happened in my heart Christmas morning around six o’clock when I turned on the TV to check the weather and instead found a beautiful program of Christmas music and a man explaining how Christmas music has carried our nation through the hardest years of our history. My eyes filled at the sight of W.W. Two soldiers far from home tearing at “I’ll Be Home For Christmas.” I lost my frustration over petty things hearing how the words to “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” were given to a searching American in the Holy Land in the 1800’s, standing on the site where angels visited the shepherds, and how the accompanying music was granted to a struggling organist in the middle of that same night. I couldn’t tell you the name of the program I watched but for me it was a visit from the Lord, taking me out of the preparations for the day that awaited my attention and into His presence. A deep sense of joy and gratitude for the wondrous gift enveloped me afresh and my spirit soared with the renewed knowledge the precious gift was mine.